The Susan P. Brynes Health Education Center, in York PA, offers two customizable drug and alcohol education programs for adults (parents, teachers, community groups, employees, administrators, SAP leaders, etc.)
Two Programs
Based on the viewing audience (parents or teachers), we provide one of two programs:
- 1) Drugs101: What Parents Need to Know
- 2) Drugs 101: What Teachers Need to Know
Presentation Components?
The program seeks to educate participants about more than 50 to 70 indicators of drug use and peer pressure facing students to use them.
A mock bedroom or classroom and locker area of a teenage drug user serves as the backdrop to the presentation.
Parent program has "live" role playing demonstrations which help to initiate conversations between parent and child and help overcome peer pressure, while the Teacher program presents and discusses your specific district policy during an ACT 48 In-Service.
Other components of the Drugs101 What Parents/Teachers Need to Know programs:
- Set up a real-life, full-sized mock teenage scene with over 70 drug use indicators in either a teen's bedroom or a teen's locker
- Provide 1, 2, or 3 hour programming options and pricing
- Are presented at your school, township, office, or location of your choosing
- Cover the trends, effects, prevention techniques, and drug-use indicators for the usual suspects of teenage drug choice:
- Pot
- Alcohol
- Inhalants
- Tobacco
- Are also customized with your selection of additional drug topics based on the drug trends or problems with the student population in your area/region:
- Ecstasy
- Heroin
- Cocaine
- Prescription Drugs
- Methamphetamines
- Identify the signs and symptoms of today's most used and abused drugs
- Help parents and teachers distinguish drug indicators and paraphernalia within mock locker / classroom and/or bedroom scene
Teach about over 50 trendy drug indicators
- Illustrate discrete hiding places of drugs on body, in the classroom or in the bedroom
- Review the school district's, company's or organizations Drug Policy with questions and answers
- Incorporate interactive role-playing skits by the presenters
- Use a multi-media, image-rich presentation throughout program
- Provide drug education resources materials to every attendee at the conclusion of the drug education program
- Q&A session throughout and at end of presentation
Need Drug Education Program?
To book Drugs101 for your school, company, or organization, please contact me:
James J. Reisinger
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center
515 S. George St.
York, PA 17401
717-848-3064 ext. 249
717-781-5474 cell
717-848-9695 fax
Educating and Inspiring People of All Ages to Make Healthy Choices